Passenger Traffic on Baku-Sumgait Distance Grows Twofold

The number of users of the railway route Baku-Sumgait-Baku after giving intermediate stops at the stations Bilajari and Khirdalan doubled. It is reported by the press service of CJSC Azerbaijani Railways.

The railway line between Baku and Sumgait was restored in May 2015. On this route ply five double-decker rail trains of the KISS brand produced by Belarusian enterprises of the Swiss company Stadler.

The trains transport from 2,500 to 3,000 passengers daily. From November 19 to December 19, the number of users of this route reached 5,000 people on average.

Note that the Azerbaijan Railways are working on a project for the construction of the ring railway line Baku-Sumgait. ----08D

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