Serial production of glasses Google Glass delayed

As the search giant has been slow to launch a serial device, it runs the risk of being late - Japanese businessman Takahito Iguchi (Takahito Iguchi) presented at the exhibition in New York, his version of "points" called Telepathy One.

According to the publication they are just as sensational project Google Glass, is a headset for smartphones and fastened on his head just above the right eye. The gadget contains a built-in camera and a micro-projection screen that shows the image before the user's eyes.

The image onto the screen from a smartphone is via a special application. The device is capable of receiving streaming video and photos from your phone and vice versa, to record what is happening around and send the image to your smartphone.

While the instrument is not refined enough, but this is not surprising, since the company was launched just Telepathy only in January of this year. Iguchi promises to complete work on the device until the end of the year and release it to the market. By the way, Telepathy will be cheaper than Google Glass, which were announced for $ 12-15 thousand. - 17D-


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