SOCAR Bonds Liquidity to Be Provided by Market Maker

The investment company PSG Capital has undertaken to act as market maker on SOCAR interest bonds, the allocation of which will be held on October 13-14.

The price of purchase and sale of SOCAR bonds on the secondary circulation level will not exceed 5% of the nominal value. At the same time, Baku Stock Exchange reported on September 28 that the issuer had given a guarantee that the purchase price of the bonds would not be less than the nominal value - $ 100 apiece.

According to the issue terms, the SOCAR corporate bonds issued in the amount of $ 100 million will be in circulation for five years. SOCAR promises to pay 5% interest on them. This interest will be paid quarterly.

The investment company CJSC PSG Capital is also the SOCAR securities underwriter.    -----08D

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