Taxes Ministry announces reducing on-site inspections

Baku/06.03.14/Turan : In 2013, field tax audits were conducted in 9,504 commercial entities. Statistics show the trend decline of 14.8%. However, taxpayers complain about the frequent visits of tax officials that in many companies is repeated every year.

According to the Ministry of Taxes, in 2013 field tax audits were conducted in 5,874 companies and at 3,630 individuals engaged in business without creating a legal entity. As in previous years, tax violations were detected in almost all of them (9,467 subjects). As a result, the total size of checks further tax charge was 442 million manat, exceeding the figure for 2012 to 134.5 million or 43.7 %. In addition , taxpayers forked out on financial sanctions in the amount of 268.7 million manat.

Former tax collector , and now the head of the law firm Yasavul Aliabbas Rustamov told Turan the information on reducing the trend -site inspections and their coverage of only 4.2 % of active taxpayers is untrue. According to him, these tests cover almost all operating companies and individuals with the actual turnover , some of which go bankrupt after the " invasion" of employees of the Ministry of Taxes . "Let the Ministry of Taxes disclose statistics on actual operating companies and reports that any drop in tax objects oligarchs ," he says .

Experts believe that almost 100% of violations of tax legislation in scanned objects suggests that the reform of the tax administration is not enough for a voluntary and fair taxes . Requires a revision of tax rates.

Monitoring the activities of small and medium enterprises, implemented in previous years by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) showed that tax audits provide them with difficulties and increase incidents of corruption. IFC analysis revealed that keeping method is most at risk for pressure on the entrepreneur. This method sets the stage for a conflict of interest and informal relations with the taxpayer .

In addition, the IFC survey found that 81 % of individual entrepreneurs and 70 % of SMEs are checked annually , with 90 % of inspections carried out by employees Minnalogov . Moreover, about 60 % of tax audits were not reflected in the special account book of checks.

Now registration tax and other audits conducted on a special electronic public registry. - 08B-

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