Through the back door to the SSC

On Thursday, the State Securities Committee organized Open Day for the media. . However, as it turned out, the doors were open only to those media which are considered acceptable to the SSC. In this list, the "elite" did not include the agency Turan.

The PR communication sector noted that the meeting with reporters will be held by head of Staff SSC Bakhtiyar Azizov. He said that such activities are carried out in order to bring the activities of agencies to control the securities market in compliance with the principles of open government , provided the National Action Plan for the Promotion of Open Government.

Theme of the meeting with the media was the licensing of professional market participants, control over them, the analysis of their activities, as well as certification of their employees.

Turan news agency publicized the activities SSC and the situation on the securities market, the protection of investors. This can not do without a critical approach to the situation of things. Note that in September this year Baku hosted an international conference dedicated to the 15th anniversary of its creation, to which the agency Turan was not allowed. - 08B-


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