Turkey once again ahead of Russia in terms of exports to Azerbaijan (UPDATED)


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2014 September 18 (Thursday) 13:10:13

In August, Turkey after a long "persecution" again ahead of Russia in terms of exports to Azerbaijan, according to the report of the State Customs Committee of the foreign trade activity in eight months.

According to official statistics, Turkey with 14.24% ($ 799.4 million) share ranks first in exports to Azerbaijan, and has a delicate advantage over RF ($ 791,200,000). Nevertheless, Russia is still superior to Turkey in general terms of trade turnover with Azerbaijan. According to estimates of the SCC of Azerbaijan, for eight months of this year, trade between the AR and the Russian Federation amounted to $ 1 billion 219,700,000 (-30.6%), Turkey - $ 1 billion 133,600,000 (-14.9%).

It should be emphasized that this is only statistics given by the Azerbaijani side. Recent example of a mismatch of numbers is a statement on September 15 by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who said that in the seven months of this year, trade between the two countries amounted to $ 2.2 billion, while the official statistics of Azerbaijan claims about the level of these bonds in the amount of $ 1 billion. -08B--

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