Until 2020, the e-services of the government will use up to 80% of the population

In the production of goods and services in the high-tech 2020 will be invested over $ 7 billion

The head of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies Ali Abbasov met with ambassadors of the European Union (EU), accredited in Azerbaijan, and said that the country's leadership is to gradually reduce the dependence of the economy on the oil sector, with 20% (according to him, about $ 20 billion) of GDP to the specified period will be on the "shoulders" of the ICT sector.

The government plans to achieve growth in the use of broadband Internet by 2016 to 85% in view of the minimal speed of traffic at 10 megabits per second. For the development of the ICT sector will create an enabling environment, improving the competitiveness of the environment, mitigating the customs, fiscal, monetary and monetary policy - explained the Minister the intentions of EU representatives in the hope of understanding, because this space is a strategic partner of Azerbaijan in many spheres.

By 2020, the local government will do that except for residents of mountainous villages in some areas 80% of the population will be in e-services, about the same number of holders of electronic signatures will be able to fully enjoy the services of the "electronic government. - 17D-


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