Utility rates to rise

Tariffs on utility bills at the end of the year will rise, which is no doubt.

Yesterday at the parliamentary committees in the discussion of the draft budget for 2014, Finance Minister Samir Sharifov said that the increase in utility tariffs is natural, without specifying the exact date, referring to the competence of the Tariff Council under the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan.

According to him, the initiators of the tariff increase are JSC Azerenergy, Azersu and Azerigaz of SOCAR. "These companies are working on self-supporting basis and for higher wages and increase in other expenses tariffs should be changed. The increase in costs should be offset by revenue growth," he said.

Last time the rates of electricity and utilities rose in December 2007. In the same year, the fare on public transport jumped twofold and the subway fare jumped fourfold. - 17D-


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