Live is beautiful ... with  the money of defrauded citizens

The real estate market is not an empty phrase in the real economy of Azerbaijan, annually hundreds of millions of manats  are invested in it,  citizens buy a variety of objects, but the advantage is given to housing. Someone marries, someone changes the conditions to better and spacious, and  for this  people spend  money they accumulated for, many years.

This segment also requires the most transparent relationship, and it is applied mainly  to  the participants  of the real estate market, including real estate developers and realtors. Has the situation changed?  Elnur Azadov, the executive director of the public association "Association of Realtors"   answered  this question in an interview with Turan correspondent. Housing problem, according to expert,  is the most "sensitive", as the  talk is about great sums, which, as is known,  require control. "When the talk is about millions there will certainly appear unscrupulous businessmen. Here is an example of the sensational "big construction" in the  Khatai district - in 2006 OOO «Sahil D Company» started  simultaneously the construction of four 24-storey residential buildings in the  1156-quarter on the street F.Bayramov. The idea is that housing should  be accessible for all categories of buyers, people signed contracts; 10 years have passed since then, but during this time, none of the potential tenants have moved in there. First  there wanted to clarify the  situation with the  developers in the person of the above mentioned Ilham Gasimov,  there were claims  against him even on the part of Turkish owners who were  waiting for the commissioning of completed houses. However, neither the paid bills, no contracts  help, and people began to send  complaints to the higher authorities, including the Administration of the President, after which the would-be businessman was arrested," he says.

According to expert, this is a very alarming signal, because  hundreds of people hoping to  buy new housing, are dissatisfied  with the  inaction of courts, and even foreign investors  began to suspect the  local construction sector. The  Turkish Mercan family (Hasan ,Ali Movlane and Abubekir) appealed to the public of Azerbaijan to clarify some aspects of cooperation with OOO «Sahil-D Kompani», as lawyers and relatives of the arrested Ilham Gasimov insist that the Turks through their nominated director allegedly prevented the construction of housing. However, is there any logic in this? People who have invested millions of dollars in the construction of the complex, in fact, are  interested in the speedy introduction of it in order to make a profit. On the contrary, all the while Gasimov and the second co-founder Sahib Ibrahimov misled  the foreign investors and  those who wanted to buy housing , among which, in addition to local residents, were also citizens of foreign countries.  A representative of the Turkish side said that the representatives of the  Turkey  had to turn to the Association of Realtors, and  appointed a sales manager Elnur Azadov, who confirmed the fact that the apartments in the  complex are not subject to realization – they  buildings were erected in violation of the norms, and  their reputation  in  housing market is very low.

This means that investors and applicants defrauded by dishonest  developers cannot get high-quality apartments for the money. There are not new buyers for these houses, because  nobody wants to waste  money they collected  for years, moreover, no one wants to communicate with objects, erected for the fraudulent scheme. Moreover, more than 10 thousand square meters  of housing owned by the Turkish side, have  been sold three and  more  times, and now the court trial are  ongoing  on  numerous lawsuits. Co-founders of LLC «Sahil-D Kompani» Gasimov and Ibrahimov blame each other during investigative actions, and  say  they did not sell the apartments; they blame their  bad accomplices, including the director of Ltd. Adilaga Huseynov, who was appointed by  Gasimov himself.

Until now,  the  Marjan family invested into this construction  $4 million, but did not manage to get back even a  penny of compensation. Another point  is that in the courts of various instances Ilham Gasimov still is trying to request additional funds from those who have already invested in a hypothetical housing,  and even names some  reputable Turkish businessmen, who  are not aware  of what is going on behind their backs. By the way, according to Aynur Shihieva,  the Turkish side authorized her to go to court in the case of the use of their name by the these fraudsters, as well as by  some of the media, deliberately concealing the essence of the case.  Even the Embassy of Turkey in Azerbaijan,  which is aware of the events, is closely monitoring the  trail,  and has already sent a note to the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan, demanding to restore the justice, and those who "blackens" the country's reputation in international public opinion  should be punished  in order not to repel the  foreign business.

And finally, some tips from experienced person. "First of all, when you make a transaction for the sale or lease of real estate, always try to enter into a written agreement. I advise you to carefully read well in advance all the points of the agreement to avoid any unpleasant surprises in the future, " says Elnur Azadov. --17D-

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