Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/26.01.23/Turan: On the eve, the Armenian diaspora of Canada initiated a debate in Canada's Parliament on the Lachin road situation to condemn the actions of Azerbaijan.

Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister secretary Robert Oliphant spoke at the hearing in the Parliamentary committee on international affairs.

Note that in the first of the 3 hearings Oliphant stated that Canada recognizes Azerbaijan's territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, and does not recognize the non-legitimate entities on its territory.

At the same time he called to take into consideration that the current situation is part of a multi-year conflict and the issue needs to be seen in context.

At the same time he emphasized the need to get to the bottom of what is happening on the Lachin road before calling it a humanitarian disaster and blockade.

Representatives of the Armenian and Azerbaijani diasporas also spoke at the hearing. Attempts by the representative of Armenia to accuse the speaker of misunderstanding the situation were foiled by the chair of the debate. -02B-

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