Azerbaijani authorities should take a lesson from the events in Ukraine

Revolution in Ukraine and its impact on the post-Soviet space is the so-called debate in the office of "Musavat" on Friday.  The participants of the debates, politicians, experts and civil society activists  noted factor open Russian pressure on Ukraine, which is fraught with serious consequences. The leader of "Musavat" Isa Gambar called on the international community to exert maximum influence on Moscow to keep it from rock steps.

The reason for the same withstand in Kiev  he called the will of  Ukrainian’s people for European integration, and  the attempts  of Yanukovych’s government to prevent it. Authoritarian regimes should learn a lesson from the events in Ukraine, including the Azerbaijani authorities, Gambar said.

Political analyst Zafar Guliyev noted that Russia  has lost Ukraine, regardless of what it will take on.

He explained the  current rough steps of Moscow by the fact that  the Kremlin lost his nerve.

As for the impact of these events on Azerbaijan, in our country there is no such a strong civil society. The fate of the country  depends not  on people, but on the will of one man; and the Azerbaijani government does not enjoy real support from the West.

However, stubborn unwillingness of Baku  to start dialogue with civil society and political opponents pushes the country to the opposition and contributes to social tensions.

Panelists noted that the ruling regimes of Azerbaijan and Russia are united not only by  authoritarianism , but also  by corruption. Just these economic interests contribute to the fact that Baku is inclined to Russia, and not to  the West. -05C-

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