Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry condemned Pashinyan's statements in Karabakh

Baku / 20.09.18 / Turan: "A provocative visit of the Armenian leadership to the

occupied territories of Azerbaijan and aggressive statements made during the visit of the eve of the UN General Assembly's New York meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia is evidence of intention of the Armenian leadership intentionally

aggravate the situation," stated thecomment of the press service of Azerbaijan.

"We urge the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs to take measures to warn Armenia against such provocative steps and statements undermining the negotiation process. Armenia has been systematically taking steps over the past few days to escalation of the situation along the contact line, as well as the Azerbaijani- Armenian border. All responsibility for the occupation of Azerbaijani lands, numerous violations of the law in these territories and tensions,

which arose in the front zone, falls on the leadership of Armenia," the commentary says.

It should be noted that the day before, Prime Minister Pashinyan and the entire military leadership of Armenia visited the Kelbajar region of Azerbaijan in positions in the Murovdag mountain range.

Returning from the standpoint, Pashinyan said that Armenia is ready to repel Azerbaijan. -02D-

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