Beynəlxalq Münasibətlərin Təhlili Mərkəzinin İdarə Heyətinin sədri Fərid Şəfiyev BMTM-nin illik hesabatının təqdimatında çıxış edir.

Beynəlxalq Münasibətlərin Təhlili Mərkəzinin İdarə Heyətinin sədri Fərid Şəfiyev BMTM-nin illik hesabatının təqdimatında çıxış edir.

Baku/28.12.22/Turan: There are not tactical, but strategic disagreements between Armenia and Russia, caused by the fact that Armenia did not receive Russia's support to continue its occupation policy towards Azerbaijan, said Farid Shafiyev, Chairman of the Board of the Center for Analysis of International Relations (CAIR), speaking at presentation of the annual report of CIMO.

Shafiyev believes that Russia retains a geostrategic interest in the region. But differences will remain between the Russian Federation and Armenia, because Yerevan wants the West to solve the economic problems of Armenians, and Russia to support the occupation policy. Russia is not satisfied with this, - the expert noted.

He also commented on the protest action of Azerbaijanis on the Lachin-Khankendi road.

Shafiyev named three reasons for what is happening:

- Illegal exploitation of the natural resources of Azerbaijan.

- The use of the Lachin corridor for military purposes, contrary to the statement of November 9, 2020.

- Failure to fulfill the obligation to unblock all transport corridors.

Regarding the latter, Shafiyev noted that "Azerbaijan has put into operation a new high-quality road from the border with Armenia to Karabakh, but the Armenian side, under various pretexts, refuses to open a corridor through Meghri from Azerbaijan to the Nakhchivan region."

The expert believes that what is happening on the Lachin road indicates the existence of the following fundamental problems:

- The absence of a peace treaty and the impasse in the negotiation process between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

- Unsatisfactory activity of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Karabakh.

- The actions of the Armenian radicals led by Ruben Vardanyan, which violate the ongoing dialogue between the Karabakh Armenians and Baku.

- The clash of interests of geopolitical actors.

“It should now be clear to everyone that the problem can be completely resolved after the obstacles to the achievement of a peace treaty are removed and the Karabakh region again comes under the administrative control of Azerbaijan. Eventually it will happen. There can be no talk of peace and security without mutual respect by Azerbaijan and Armenia for each other's territorial integrity. Azerbaijan has always shown such readiness,” said Shafiyev.—0—

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