Following the USA, the European Union also did not   congratulate Ilham Aliyev

The European Union has congratulated Azerbaijan and its people on the 25th anniversary of the restoration of the country’s independence. “Azerbaijan has developed profoundly over the course of these years. The European Union will continue to cooperate closely with Azerbaijan in support of developing strong democratic institutions, the rule of law, and economic prosperity for the benefit of all Azerbaijanis,” an official statement said.

The EU statement said this year also marked the 25th anniversary of the EU's relations with Azerbaijan, adding: “The EU looks forward to the launching of negotiations on a new agreement with Azerbaijan, to replace the 1996 Partnership and Cooperation Agreement and develop further our bilateral relations in areas of mutual interest, in line with the principles of the recently reviewed European Neighborhood Policy, as well as international law.”

“Alongside our engagement in the framework of the Eastern Partnership, this will serve to enhance bilateral dialogue, supporting efforts to build a more resilient economy and inclusive society, as well as increasing contacts with the people of Azerbaijan,” concluded the Statement.

The statement  does not congratulate Ilham Aliyev personally, which is the norm in such cases. The same thing took place two days ago in the United States’ congratulation to Azerbaijani people on the occasion of Independence Day. -02D-

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