For more importantly the creation of the State Duma Speaker analog "Euronews", rather than the Karabakh settlement


State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin, proposes to establish in the post-news channel, a kind of analogous to "Euronews". He said this today, speaking to students at Baku Slavic University.

    "As a first step, I see the creation of a news channel, similar to" euronews "on the post-Soviet space", - said Naryshkin, and spoke in favor of the accession of Azerbaijan to the future of the information dimension of the Eurasian Union.

    "We must simply learn more about each other. This should help the common information space created as the information dimension of the future of the Eurasian Economic Union," - he said.

    Speaking of the future challenges for the development of integration processes in the humanitarian sphere, a Russian speaker also called for expansion of youth communications.

    "In this direction we have a large, yet not fully realized potential."

    It is also necessary to increase the mutual exchange of students. "This increase in the number of young Azerbaijanis studying in Russia and the Russians, who are studying in universities of Azerbaijan" - Naryshkin said.

    He also touched upon the Nagorno-Karabakh theme, saying that the solution must be found by the parties themselves and not imposed from outside. If such a solution is found, then Russia could act as the guarantor of its implementation. -02D-


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