John Kerry: Azerbaijan can regain its leadership in the field of democracy

The U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry,  sent  the President Ilham Aliyev  a congratulatory letter to the 20 anniversary of the signing of the communication "Contract of the Century."

The letter marked  the U.S. relations with Azerbaijan in the development of strategic energy resources and the essential role of the Southern Gas Corridor in ensuring energy security of Europe. In conclusion, the Secretary of State  noted the need to protect human rights and democracy.

"96 years ago, Azerbaijan, the first in the Muslim world,  chose universal values ​​of democracy, becoming a leader in the field of human rights and fundamental freedoms. In the matter of the development of democracy, Azerbaijan can regain a leadership role. It is important for the development of bilateral relations between the USA and Azerbaijan, which are based on three main principles: security, energy and economic cooperation, and the development of civil society. This is necessary for Azerbaijan to become a stronger, more stable and more progressive, "   the letter reads.-16D-

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