lham Aliyev contradicts himself?

President Ilham Aliyev said that there are certain foreign forces interested in violation of socio-political stability in Azerbaijan.

"Today, the successful development of Azerbaijan is perceived not by all. Domestically, there are national traitors, who have sold their conscience to foreign anti-Azerbaijani circles.

There are foreign circles, who try to break stability in Azerbaijan and to make the country dependent," he said on August 28 at a meeting with young people in the Beylagan region.

"Dirty smear campaigns are carried out in the media against Azerbaijan."

"Now it is no secret that through various funds practical steps are taken to create mass unrest and conflict in different countries. If 10 years ago, it was done secretly, at the present time all the masks have dropped and they are not hiding anything. The aim is that countries with rich natural resources, a lot of potential and favorable geographical position, should come under the influence and operate under the dictation of others. And this leads to the death of these countries. We know this from recent history. Before our eyes in our neighborhood, there are certain events leading to this bad end.

Be aware that similar scenarios were also written for Azerbaijan. Just the iron will of our government did not let put these scripts here and we will never allow it," Aliyev continued.

Therefore, young people should be vigilant and not fall under the influence of foreign interests, he said.

Next Aliyev noted that Azerbaijan does not need help from abroad. "When it was necessary, no one helped us. Who helped us when Azerbaijan was in a difficult situation? Nobody did. I remember there was a time when we could not get loans from international institutions, they did not give loans. And now we give loans to other countries. That is our economic development - it's only the success of the Azerbaijani state, the government, and the result of the policy," he said.

According to Aliyev, under the guise of aid millions of dollars are annually ferried to Azerbaijan. "This money goes into the pockets of opposition organizations. However, our opposition is so fond of money, that 70-80% of the grants are pocketed. Therefore, the money is not spent the way some donors want. But it is a fact and we know about it - how much money comes to bank accounts, to whom it comes and where it goes then.

And be aware that these tools work against the interests of our country," said Aliyev.

It should be noted that until recently Aliyev noted that Azerbaijan's current success was made possible thanks to the support of the Western partners.

Thus, on June 3, speaking at the opening of the exhibition of traditional Caspian Oil and Gas, he said that the holding of this event 21 years ago was the first significant step towards attracting the world's attention to the independent Azerbaijan.

"The successes Azerbaijan gained in recent years have been made in collaboration with partners," he said.

A few months after the first exhibition the "Contract of the Century" was signed, which was largely determined by today's successful development of Azerbaijan, Aliyev continued.

"Today, I want to express my gratitude to all the companies and investors, who then believed in us and expressed a desire to work with us. They believed in us, in a stable, successful future of Azerbaijan, and they were next to us and provided today's realities together with us," Aliyev said then. -06D-

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