Mamedyarov statement  causes many questions, experts

Today's sensational statement by the  Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has caused an active response  of experts and observers, and at the same time, gave rise to many questions.

Renowned political analyst Arastun Orujlu noted that the statement of the minister caused him a lot of questions and requires significant clarification. Why does  Mammadyarov and not  Lavrov speak about this plan if it is Moscow's plan?

What regions  did the mean when he spoke of the need for the withdrawal of Armenian troops from Azerbaijani territories?  Does he mean the regions around  Karabakh, or the Nagorno-Karabakh itself? The role of the OSCE  in this matter is also unclear. Why does only   one member of the Minsk Group  put forward a phased plan, and not all three countries?

What does mean Mammadyarov’s  words  on top of the iceberg in the Russian proposal?

"I think that the minister wanted to show loyalty to the plan itself, but made it clear that there are some moments that do not  suit Baku. The invisible part -  are  details that do not suit Azerbaijan, namely, the invitation to the CSTO and EurAsEC. Being in Baku Sergey Lavrov openly hinted at this.

Well, finally, is the issue of peacekeepers. It is hard to imagine the Russian settlement plan without the participation of its troops, peacekeepers, and it is a very dangerous moment," said Orujlu.

Asking the question on the danger for Azerbaijan and will the West,  particularly  the United States, deploy  only Russian peacekeepers to the region, the expert said, it is unlikely that the West will give its consent.

For Azerbaijan, it is important to remember the experience of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, where Russian unilateral steps led to a monopoly and dictatorship.

In turn, a well-known political analyst Rauf Mirkadyrov believes that comparing the Russian proposals with an iceberg, the minister probably hinted at some innuendo in the Russian proposals.

Perhaps there are some general principles proposed by Russia,  and stipulating the liberation of the occupied territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh, and in this sense, they meet the interests of Azerbaijan.

At the same time, there is no detailed development of proposals, and in particular the questions about the form and the time of the referendum (if it is part of the plan), deployment of peacekeepers and their makeup remain unclear.

 A  troubling  fact is that  Armenia immediately rejected Lavrov’s plan.  Sargsyan, knowing full dependence of Yerevan on Moscow could hardly afford such a step, according to Mirkadyrov. -02B / 06B-

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