Morningstar: U.S. Wants Azerbaijan to Be Pro-Western Country

Choosing between the Eurasian Union and the integration into the Euro-Atlantic space for themselves in Azerbaijan. However, the United States wants to see Azerbaijan 's pro-Western country. This opinion was expressed by U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan Richard Morningstar , speaking on November 13, to teachers and students of the Azerbaijan State Economic University.

After a 15- minute speech , Ambassador for 1.5 hours, answered questions.

In his speech , Morningstar noted that the long-term stability is important for economic diversification . United States is committed to assisting Azerbaijan in this sphere.

In particular, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is very active in helping to create businesses in the agriculture of Azerbaijan .

"Agriculture can be Azerbaijan's main export industry .

I have never in my life eaten such delicious fruits and vegetables as in Azerbaijan .

With the development of fruit and vegetable industry will grow and the quality of products," he said.

He also noted the favorable location of Azerbaijan from the point of view of the development of transport communications between Europe and Asia, and restore the ancient Silk Road.

The Ambassador drew attention to the signing of the 2012 bilateral memorandum of ICT .

However, he noted the participation of U.S. companies in the feasibility study Azerbaijani satellite "Azerspace-1". They are ready to help in the implementation of the project "Azerspace-2" .

U.S. to support Azerbaijan in joining the WTO.

In January and February 2014 will be a meeting of the working group on Azerbaijan's membership in the WTO. U.S. ready to assist in this area of ??technical assistance.

In November, a representative delegation of business circles of the USA is expected to visit Azerbaijan, then told Morningstar.

Asked about Azerbaijan's accession to the Customs Union or integration into Euro-Atlantic space , the ambassador said that it depends on the decision of Azerbaijan itself .

" You will not get me to answer the question where the place of Azerbaijan is - in the Eurasian Union or the Euro-Atlantic space. But we want Azerbaijan to be pro-Western. But this does not mean that, either all with Russia, or nothing. The main thing is that Azerbaijan is sovereign and independent, and it makes the decisions. Our 20 year collaboration will help protect the sovereignty and independence of the country," said Morningstar.

At the same time, referring to Section 907 to the Freedom Support Act, which discriminates Azerbaijan, the ambassador said that it depends on the cancellation of the Congress, but the President of America every year extends the moratorium on its action.

" Section 907" is in effect on the supply of military equipment and mechanisms to Azerbaijan. We do everything for the legal regulation of issues between the two countries in the military . The fact is that in this area we fight together against terrorism and for maritime security," he said.

Regarding the issues of democracy and human rights, Morningstar noted the following:

"In the field of democracy and human rights, our cooperation will be permanent.

I am confident that we will work together with the government of Azerbaijan to improve the situation in this area. The U.S. government has publicly stated its position on the presidential election. We do not question the processes that take place after the election. We will continue to cooperate with Azerbaijan in the field of elections and democracy. This is reflected in the letter of President Obama to President Aliyev."

Pointing to the natural diversity of Azerbaijan, the U.S. diplomat said there are good conditions for tourism development.

"In order to attract tourists the entrance to the country has to be simplified," he said.

Referring to the Karabakh conflict , the Ambassador said :

"I understand the frustration of the population of Azerbaijan , 20 years have passed and there is no settlement . Ordinary people are asking why America does not solve the Karabakh problem ?

But if it were easy, it would have been decided long ago. Back in the late 1990s . on the initiative of the then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright at the State Department Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev held talks with Armenian President Robert Kocharian. We expected that the problem will be solved , but that did not happen .

The main issue is that more than the leaders of major states , the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan themselves must take decisive steps to finding a solution to the problem. America wants to solve the problem , but it is not done by magic. Of course, big states have their own interests , but if the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia will take decisive steps , the big states will lead their interests in accordance with this decision. If the presidents of the two countries will come to a decision, then the Minsk Group and America will help them," said Morningstar .

He expressed the hope that in the near future a meeting of leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia will be held, and they will take decisive action to resolve the conflict. -03C06 -


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