Musavat sums up results of its activities and prepares for elections

The first meeting in 2013 of the Divan of one of the leading opposition parties – Musavat was held yesterday. The Divan urged all democratic forces to take an active part in the events dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and the 75th anniversary of Abulfaz Elchibey.

The Divan members are to prepare and submit proposals and recommendations in connection with the election campaign of 2013. The party will continue to work on improving the Electoral Code.

At the meeting of the Divan they discussed the political situation in the country in 2012, the restriction of political and economic freedom, massive violation of property rights of citizens, the strengthening of political repression, and the growing number of political prisoners. Therefore, the past year can be called lost in terms of democratic reforms.

The lack of reforms in the country was the reason that international organizations called Ilham Aliyev "corrupt of the year."

The Divan members stressed that 2013 could be a start for consistent and dedicated work of the Public Chamber, the party Musavat and other political forces and civil society organizations, youth agencies, and media. All this can lead to a radical democratic change in the country. -05D04-


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