NCDF expressed support to the aspiration of the Ukrainian people to European integration

National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF) of Azerbaijan held on December 3 at its regular session a statement due to recent events in Ukraine.

The NCDF expressed support for "the aspiration of the Ukrainian people to join the family of free and democratic countries of Europe."

"The outbreak of the struggle for democratic forces in Ukraine accession to the Association Agreement with the European Union, which is supported by the majority of citizens, demonstrates the will of the people on the way of European integration," reads the statement.

NCDF believes that "the main result of the ensuing national movement for Ukraine will be a victory for the European integration of the Ukrainian people, for many years cherished the dream of freedom and prosperity."

NCJA urged "all Ukrainian patriots unite for the realization of these aspirations and hopes of the Ukrainian people." "The democratic forces of Azerbaijan, as well as the vast majority of its citizens, concerned with the events in Kiev and other cities, support the European choice of the Ukrainian people and wish to implement it in a short time," said in a statement.

NCDF believes that "the struggle of the Ukrainian people for the integration of European values ​​is a progressive tendency, and its victorious conclusion of the whole would be an important event in the post-Soviet countries in joining the Euro-Atlantic space." NCDF condemned the use of force against the civilian population in the areas of Kiev, and regretted causing injures  against participants. –06D—


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