OSCE media freedom representative visits journalists in detention in Baku

The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media,  Dunja Mijatovic,  discussed on Friday media freedom issues with high-ranking  officials and media as part of her official visit to Azerbaijan, during which she also visited journalists in detention, according to a press release of OSCE.

"The mutual trust established between my Office and the Azerbaijani  authorities allows us to exchange views in an open and direct manner,"  Mijatovic said. "During all my meetings I expressed my hope that all  imprisoned journalists and bloggers in Azerbaijan would be freed soon, and  shared my concerns about all the cases I had previously raised with the  authorities, including the attack against independent journalist Idrak  Abbasov, the intimidation campaign against Khadija Ismayilova and the fate of  the opposition newspaper Azadliq."

"I also emphasized the urgent need for the authorities to ensure a safe and  free environment for media in Azerbaijan, as professional journalism can only  thrive if journalists can perform their duties without fear," she said.  "In the short term this would mean the murderers of Elmar Huseynov and  Rafiq Taghi are finally brought to justice, and every attack against  journalists or attempt to harass or intimidate media is strongly condemned by  the authorities and investigated swiftly."

"In the long term, changes are needed in the legislative framework",  Mijatovic said. "It was encouraging to hear that some steps are being  undertaken, especially that Azerbaijan would soon decriminalize defamation.  This would be a very substantive step towards more media freedom and less  fear." Mijatovic said that she offered her Office's full support and  assistance to this important endeavour.

The Representative also discussed the distribution system, print media  advertising and online media freedom, calling upon the authorities to ensure  that Internet remains free in Azerbaijan and commending the country for  hosting the Seventh UN Internet Governance Forum.

During her visit Mijatovic met Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov, Interior  Minister Ramil Usubov, the Head of the Presidential Administration's  Public-Political Affairs Department Ali Hasanov and the Head of the  International Relations Department Novruz Mammadov.

The Representative was also granted full and unlimited access to visit  detained journalists Avaz Zeynalli, the chief editor of Khural newspaper,  independent journalist Faramaz Novruzoglu (Allahverdiyev), executive director  of Khayal TV Vugar Gonagov and chief editor of Tolishi Sado newspaper,  Hilal Mammadov.

Today Mijatovic  has launched training conducted jointly by her Office and  the Azerbaijani Press Council on safety of journalists covering public events  and on the effective interaction between government spokespersons and  journalists. -02D-


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