OSCE representatives visit Amiraslanov


On July 30 representatives of the OSCE Office in Baku visited  in pre-trial detention , an arrested  human rights defender, Ilham Amiraslanov.

Meeting with Amiraslanov was in his cell in the presence of the head of the pre-trial detention.

OSCE representatives were interested in health, conditions  in cell, and attitudes to  him by the staff of jail.

Amiraslanov reported that he had not received adequate medical care of wounds sustained during the beating after he was arrested on  April 8 by the management staff to combat organized crime.

He had damaged ribs, internal organs,  ruptured eardrum of the ear, what was documented by physicians  of the Prison Service and Forensic Center.

For a long time Amiraslanov  complained of pain in  his ribs and internal organs, but a serious examination had not been done despite  his appeal, and the  appeal of  his defenders  to the Ministry of Justice, Prosecutor General, the Ombudsman Office.

At the request of the OSCE Baku office, on July 19, he was visited by the head of the NGO "For Human Rights" Eynulla Fatullayev, who presented a report to this organization on the results of the conversation.

A member of  the "Kura"  civil society, Amiraslanov, was arrested on June 8, four days  after the meeting of a group of farmers with the Minister of Emergency Situations, Kemaladdin Heydarov and chief executive Nazim Ismaylov. At this meeting, the farmers expressed their dissatisfaction with  the course  of reconstruction after the floods of 2010. Immediately after the meeting he has been shadowed, and he was arrested on charges of possessing a pistol and ammunition. Later Amiraslanov  admitted that under tortures he had made a false confession in the possession of a weapon.

Amiraslanov, along with other members of  the “Kura” civil society,  was actively fighting corruption and defending the rights of citizens in the implementation of programs to  eliminate the consequences of floods in 2010, amounting  half a  billion  manat.—0—

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