Petition to support of İranian Azeris on White House website

On Sunday January 13 of a page  "We the People" of the White House web site has appeared a petition to support of ethic Azeris in Iran:

We petition the Obama administration to: recognize that the Islamic Government of Iran is violating the fundamental rights of Iran's Azerbaijani ethnic minority.   We, the Azerbaijani-American community from Iran, request that the Obama administration recognize that the Islamic Republic of Iran consistently violates the fundamental human rights of Iran's Azerbaijani ethnic minority and those of the other ethnic minorities of Iran. The IRI refuses to grant the Azerbaijanis of Iran the basic rights of free access to education in their mother tongue, free and independent media in the Azerbaijani-Turkic language, and free practice of their culture. Activists who have tried to raise awareness of these issues have been abducted, handed disproportionately heavy prison sentences, tortured in prison, and even murdered. We request that the Obama administration include the plight of the Azerbaijani ethnic minority within the discourse on Iran, reads the petition.

If  25 000 people in US during a month support this petition it would be delivered to the US administration.-25D-


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