Ramiz Mehdiyev again blames  the West

The head of the presidential administration Ramiz Mehdiyev published another article with harsh criticism and accusations against the West. The article "A strong state of Azerbaijan, as a reflection of the national idea in the context of globalization",  was published on the website 1news, az, and  will be a title of the future book by Mehdiyev. According to Mehdiyev, Azerbaijan can defend  its  sovereignty against the negative influence of the West, forming a strong government. The only way to resist the aspirations of the West  is "to establish world domination," says Ramiz Mehdiyev.  He says  about confrontation between the two conceptual ideas in the world:

On the one hand, it is the supporters of globalization (neoliberalists) that lead to the elimination  of  national borders and undermine the independence of the state, and on the other hand, it is force, considering the existence of sovereign states within the framework of territorial integrity, as the objective law. Mehdiyev does not hide his preference the second position.

In his opinion, " in the destruction of  the sovereignty of states a significant role play: the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organization, and other international financial institutions, which in every way strengthen  their control over the economies of other countries.

Greta role in the destruction  in the modern global processes may also play political associations and civil structures. Often, the latter policy is fueled by external forces, complains Mehdiyev. Criticizing the political systems of Western countries, Mehdiyev  calls them  the main disadvantage of the lack of "national champions". The situation in many Western countries shows that the leadership in these countries have come for the interests of corporate groups, not the nation as a whole.

And this  is despite the fact that they become  the heads of the states as a result of the people's will," made a thoughtful conclusion Mehdiyev.

Mehdiyev with obvious pleasure quoted  the US columnist Paul Craig Roberts, who says that "the current American leaders not fit  to hold a candle to Vladimir Putin and the leaders of China, Bolivia, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil or India."

A strong state, according to Mehdiyev, is possible only with a presidential system of government. The construction of a strong state, even with strengthening of globalization processes in the world is the most efficient model of the  21st century,  he summed up.—06D-

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