Rustam Ibrahimbayov: Political parties should not dominate the National Council

The  National Council should be preserved  not only as a structure, but also as aformat bringing together political parties, civil society and individual citizens. Just this  format will help to save the combined efforts of the Azerbaijani society in the struggle for its democratic future, said  the head of the National Council, screenwriter Rustam Ibrahimbayov in  an interview with Turan. Responding to a question about the idea of ​​co-chairing the National Council, he said that he recently sent a letter to the National Council and proposed a co-chair.

"I admit that it's time to give up to call Jamil Hasanli a former opposition candidate in the presidential election. He proved that he is a mature and independent politician , able to be at the head of the public association called the National Council.

For obvious reasons, I 'm away , so I proposed apost of  co-chair and appoint Jamil  Hasanli to the post," said Ibrahimbayov.

However, he said that the second co-chair of the National Council will be he  himself.

When being  asked how his proposal was accepted , the playwright said that in principle, the response was positive, but some politicians opposed the proposal , saying that we should leave everything as it is, that is, to have only the chairman of the National Council .

"I believe that the head of the National Council shall not be bound to a political party , and this structure itself should not be under the control of any party, or become its extension," said Ibrahimbayov.

When asked what he might say about the time of his return, the  screenwriter said that it would depend on the criminal case against the former minister of foreign economic Nijat Guliyev.

"I am waiting for the end of this process , as the authorities want to accuse  me of absurd charges brought against Guliyev. Specifically , we are talking about the allegedly plotting a coup by the National Council . According to the authorities, Nijat Guliyev financed such plans. Weapons and drugs  were planted  in his  apartment and dacha, and he was arrested  with partcipaton of special forces , as a recidivist ," said Ibrahimbayov.

The playwright said that the cause of repression against Guliyev is that he had called a couple of times  to Ibragimbayov at a time when he was running for president, and advised him  to have a dual citizenship.

" Just after that he was arrested , I have evidence that the government will use this case to limit my right to leave the country, since  he was forced to testify against me," said Ibrahimbayov.

"Being abroad, I can do more good and act normally. I am ashamed of everything that is happening in the country, ashamed of the authorities, who are leading the country to ruin.

I hope that they will understand that reforms are  necessary,  and I really hope that they will realize it  until it is not  too late," said Rustam Ibrahimbayov. -02В-


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