The Events of February 1992

Archival materials of Turan News Agency on the events of February 1992 on the eve and after the Khojaly events allow to feel how complex and difficult the situation was not only in the country but also the political atmosphere of those days.


The complication of the situation in Azerbaijan


Baku / 01.02.92 / Turan; In recent days the movement of Armenian military units has been seen along the border with Azerbaijan, Turan was told in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Unmarked helicopters perform reconnaissance on the border with Nakhichevan.

Also noted is the movement of the Russian army units stationed on the territory of Armenia.

In the Agdam region shelling of the villages bordering with Nagorno-Karabakh continued. So, last night and this morning the villages Abdal, Gulabli, Mazra and Papravend have been subjected to intensive rocket bombardment. There are victims and destruction. The Azerbaijani side is taking retaliatory actions. -0-


Etibar Mamedov Accuses CIA


Baku / 07.02.92 / Turan; As stated by MP of Azerbaijan Etibar Mammadov, the CIA is developing a plan of action for the rejection of the Nakhichevan Republic of Azerbaijan.

Application was preceded by a visit to Nakhchivan US officials, who assured the Heydar Aliyev that in case of the proclamation of an independent republic of Nakhchivan, America recognizes her.

Following this, Mammadov said, the United States recognized the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. -0-


Azerbaijani fighters threaten to march on Baku


Baku / 12.02.92 / TUran; According to reports from Nagorno-Karabakh last two days, the Armenian side is taking a large-scale attack on Azerbaijani settlements.

Yesterday after the massive rocket and artillery bombardment of the Armenian Army units captured and then burned the village Malibeyli. As a result of the action, there are numerous casualties among the local population. Thus, the Armenian side continues to hold in Karabakh scorched earth policy against Azerbaijanis.

Today intense attacks has been subjected to the town of Khojaly, who is surrounded by Armenian armed forces. According to information received, residents reported their intention to leave Khojaly under a white flag, if in the near future militant attacks will not be repulsed. However, according to the statements of the authorities of Azerbaijan "calm the situation in Azerbaijan." -0-


Ayaz Mutalibov under fire


Baku / 05.03,92 / Turan; The opposition has strongly criticized President Mutalibov remorse that he had not joined the Treaty on the unified command of the armed forces of the CIS.

"I can not forgive myself, that has not signed on February 14 in Minsk document subordinates combined arms forces of the CIS unified command, and hope to do so in the near future", - he said, speaking to parliamentarians and responding to criticism, why did not he defended Khojaly .

Chairman of the National Independence Party Etibar Mammadov called on parliament to release from the duties of President Mutalibov for "betrayal of national interests."

The head of the Commission on State Construction Tofig Gasimov called Mutalibov desire to sign an agreement on the unified command of the CIS Armed Forces act of surrender. --0

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