The judge wants criminal sanctions for the lawyer

During the trial on September 5, in the Serious Crimes Court, in the case of Nijat Aliyev, the editor of the site, and seven other believers, there was a conflict between the lawyer, Yalcin Imanov, and the judge, Zeynal Aliyev. As a result, the judge has delivered a document of criminal complaint against a lawyer. According to the lawyer, the conflict was caused by the questions the lawyer asked during the trial. Insistence by the lawyer to obtain specific answers from experts caused the irritation of the judge who repeatedly reproached Imanov and made four warnings.

"You can make even five warnings," and these words caused the judge’s anger, who regarded the response as an insult. The judge made ​​a similar warning to another lawyer, Elchin Aliyev. The accused defendants are charged with spreading CD discs of anti-government material among population on the eve of the contest, "Eurovision 2012." The discs contained material about conducting gay parades in the capital, the arbitrariness of officials, religious persecution, etc. The investigation alleges that Nijat Aliyev and several other believers are involved in the construction and dissemination of the discs. First, a file was brought against them under the Article 234.1 (possession of drugs.)

Some time later, a file was brought against Aliyev under the Articles 167-2.2.1 (illegal production of religious literature by a group of persons), 281.2 (anti-government appeals from a group of individuals) and 283.2.3 (incitement of ethnic and religious hatred by an organized group.)

At the same time, a number of international and local human rights organizations believe that Nijat Aliyev and his co-defendants are being prosecuted for criticizing the "Eurovision" and the official policy regarding the believers.-16B-


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