Səbinə Əliyeva. Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Səbinə Əliyeva. Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/29.04.23/Turan: Azerbaijani Ombudswoman Sabina Aliyeva appealed to the world community and international organizations in connection with the latest fact of the death of three civilians as a result of a mine explosion in the Terter  region.

According to the Ombudswoman's office, the appeal provides information about the mine terror committed by Armenia at the state level.

Armenia's failure to provide Azerbaijan with accurate maps of minefields leads to human casualties as a result of the explosion of mines.

The Ombudswoman called on the international community to take effective measures against Armenia, which continues to violate the requirements of international humanitarian law and influence it to provide maps with an exact indication of the places where mines are laid.

The day before, three local sappers of the British company "RPS Energy Ltd." were killed as a result of an anti-tank mine explosion in the Terter region near the village of Talysh.

Their car hit a mine while moving through an overgrown grass area. ---06B---

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