Mass discontent arises without dialogue between the authorities and society

Authorities try to control the Internet and do not want to hear the voice of the people, said in an interview with Objective TV the Director of the Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety Emin Huseynov.

According to him, the control of the virtual space is technically possible, but circumvention of the prohibitions is also technically possible. Therefore it is counterproductive to adopt laws and acts, the implementation of which is dangerous, in principle.

If the initiative of the authorities to limit children's access to the Internet, enhance responsibility of virtual resources, and the need for licensing Internet TV is realized, the country instead of the Internet will receive Intranet - local, totally controlled virtual information space.

This happens in North Korea, with the difference that Azerbaijan is a member of the Council of Europe, OSCE and other influential international organizations, to whom it has a number of commitments.

In Russia, the search engine Google, Youtube, and free web hosting Blogspot have been blacklisted in a single register of banned sites. At the same time, Moscow was unable to explain to the world community the goal of these measures. Azerbaijan can also disable these resources plus Twitter.

The Internet is the most effective means of dialogue between the authorities and society. The other day Azerbaijanis of the world gathered more than 100 thousand signatures under the Appeal to the President of the U.S. for justice in the Khojaly case. To the petition posted on the White House website, the administration officials and Obama himself responded. They answered because the treatment culture was observed as well as the culture of social responsibility before those 100 thousand signatures.

In Azerbaijan, the President could also request his services to open pages on Facebook, Twitter and other networks to proactively respond to the looming social unrest. In this case, the activists of, say, Ismailli or Guba, could turn there to express the public opinion by gathering hundreds of signatures. That would be enough to contain the conflict and prevent mass discontent.

The presence of feedback from the people is the only way to manage today's society well, and the Internet is the most effective means, he said.   -17D-


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