Рубен Варданян и Владимир Путин церемонии закладки первого камня в основание Московской школы управления

Рубен Варданян и Владимир Путин церемонии закладки первого камня в основание Московской школы управления

Ruben Vardanyan's New Year's Eve speech at a separatist rally in Khankendi, where he called on Armenians to prepare for new blood ("We have a hard path ahead, which we will walk together: sweat and blood"), does not leave room for a peaceful resolution of the Karabakh problem. Vardanyan took responsibility for the impending bloodshed.

President I. Aliyev called Vardanyan an intruder of Moscow, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S. Lavrov said that they did not send Vardanyan to Karabakh.

Who is he - "NKR State Minister" Ruben Vardanyan? This question was answered by the Armenian peacekeeper Ishkhan Verdyan.

Ишхан ВердянAnswer: To understand what Ruben Vardanyan is doing, one must understand who he is. This Russian oligarch close to the Kremlin visited Armenia last year and gave interviews to Armenian television during his trip. In an interview, Vardanyan said that Armenia should become a region of Russia in a good way, otherwise it will become bad.

I want to draw special attention to this, it is very important, so I repeat - Vardanyan advised Armenia to become part of Russia by its own free will, otherwise it will be forced to it. According to him, if Armenia joins voluntarily, it will have every chance to become a successful region, such as Tatarstan, otherwise it will be a flawed region. Link to the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GndXOPBzcho

The question is - whose interests does this person observe? Armenia? Does Armenia plan to become Russian Tatarstan? A Russian oligarch close to the Kremlin is campaigning for Armenia's entry into Russia. Hmm... Whose interests could he serve? Everything is obvious here.

It is important to understand that Ruben Vardanyan is exclusively a man of Russia, he has always been and always will be. Much has been said about this, the Armenian experts have repeatedly proven it themselves, and only the naivest person in the world can doubt this. It is fact that Vardanyan is a man of Russia that helped him become the number one man in Karabakh - in a zone completely controlled by the Russian Federation.

Ruben Vardanyan, a man of Russia, is sent by Russia to Karabakh to observe the interests of Russia. When he says that he is going to fight to the end, he means the victory of Russia - the country whose interests he respects, the country that made him a billionaire, the country that is his homeland. Yes, Vardanyan is a patriot of his homeland - Russia, and it is difficult to blame him for this.

What is victory for Russia? It was directly voiced by the Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan - to drive Armenia into Russia; actually – the same Ruben Vardanyan campaigned on Armenian television.

Question: How can Vardanyan drive Armenia into the Russian Federation?

Answer: Armenia can become part of Russia only by its own will. Coercion will not work, because Armenia does not have a direct land border with Russia, and it will be very difficult for the latter to control the rebellious region - it will be impossible to effectively introduce punitive troops. If Armenia joins by force and against the will of the people, it will very soon break away from it by the same will of the people, and Russia will not be able to do anything about it. Therefore, it is necessary that the people of Armenia give their consent to this.

And how to get the consent of the people, if anti-Russian sentiments in it are growing every day, and people are already saying directly that they prefer to live from hand to mouth, if only not as part of Russia? The answer is obvious - it is necessary to create a situation in which the people themselves will be forced to call Russia for help. How to create such a situation?

And here Ruben Vardanyan comes into play. He consolidates the whole of Karabakh around him and starts fighting Azerbaijan to the last. Karabakh is the legal territory of Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijan will do everything to get it. He cannot use force in Karabakh, because this will immediately be regarded as genocide and will create the ground for a revision of international approaches to the problem. Then they will say that the Armenians were right, that Azerbaijan really wants to destroy them, and the principle of territorial integrity will give way to the principle of self-determination to avoid genocide. Azerbaijan will not agree to this.

Question: What do you think President Aliyev will do in this case?

Answer: The above does not mean that Azerbaijan will not use force against Armenia. The more pitifully Vardanyan whines, the more fiercely Armenia will oppose the transfer of Karabakh to Azerbaijan and the recognition of its territorial integrity. If Azerbaijan is involved in the case, Armenia will blame only and exclusively this country, not paying attention to important details - “what difference does it make who Vardanyan works for if Aliyev wants to commit genocide against the Karabakh people?” Such an approach to the problem will prevent Armenia from recognizing Karabakh as Azerbaijan, that is, from recognizing the territorial integrity of the latter.

Is it okay that in this case Azerbaijan does not recognize the territorial integrity of Armenia? For some reason, this detail eludes us, but from this it does not lose its importance. If Armenia and Azerbaijan do not mutually recognize each other's territorial integrity, then they do not recognize the border. So, there is no border between them! And if there is no border, how to understand which mountain and which valley belongs to whom?

Ruben Vardanyan artificially creates an atmosphere in which Armenia will refuse to recognize the territories of Azerbaijan. In response, Azerbaijan will refuse to recognize the territories of Armenia, therefore - there is no border, therefore - Azerbaijan will put forward territorial claims against Armenia and will use force. In a monthly mode, there will be aggravations at the border, people will die, the rhetoric will become angrier and angrier.

This will be permanent and one day the inhabitants of Armenia will not stand it, they will say - that is enough, we do not want to lose children anymore, it is beyond our power, Russia, come and figure it out! And voila! The people of Armenia will call Russia of their own free will. What needed to be achieved.

This will be the victorious end that Ruben Vardanyan is heading towards. This is what he means when he reports every day - "We will stand to the bitter end." His report is not addressed to the Armenians at all, as it might seem at first glance. It is addressed to Moscow - to the people he serves and who sent him there. He really wants to finish what he started.

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