247 people voted in favor of Rauf Mirkadyrova

The site of public petitions avaaz.org started an takes action collecting signatures for the petition "calling for the release of Rauf Mirkadyrov."


The rally in support of the well-known journalist Rauf Mirkadyrov accused of treason on trumped-up facts has been initiated by the Committee for Protection of Civil Society.

Mirkadyrov is charged under article 274 (high treason) of the Criminal Code. He is accused of participating in the projects of the Institute for Peace and Democracy in cooperation with civil society in Armenia and transfer of information being a state secret within these actions.

"In this case there is no information protected by the stamp of secrecy or particularly important state secrets. The criminal case is based on false accusations.

The purpose of the closed trial is to hide activities against the interests of Azerbaijan and the prosecution of several employees of MNS," said the lawyer Fuad Agayev, protecting the interests of Rauf Mirkadyrov. -0--

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