A court in Iran has not clarified the fate of Azerbaijani poets


On Tuesday, the trial held in Iran of the arrested on May 2 in this country young Azerbaijani poets Farid Hussein and Shakhriyar Hajizadeh did not clarify their future fate. As the press service of Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry said, the relatives of the two poets and two employees of the Consulate General of Azerbaijan in Tabriz attended the trial. However, they did not specify in what court the case was specifically considered and who defended the rights of the citizens of Azerbaijan - Iran's defense lawyers, or lawyers from Azerbaijan.

In the trial, the poets were asked questions relating mainly the purpose of their visit to Iran. In turn, Hussein and Hajizadeh said that they had come to Iran without malice. Stressing that they came to Iran to participate in a festival of poetry, the writers announced their innocence.

The judge did not inform about how specifically the poets were accused. However, he said that the court's decision will be announced in the coming days.

Recall that the writers were arrested in Tabriz, May 2 at their return from Tehran to Baku. Official Baku has sent five notes to the Iranian Foreign Ministry to demand their release, but only on July 26 the power of Iran allowed an employee of the Azerbaijani consulate in Tabriz to visit the arrested. They said that they are accused of illegally arriving in Iran. - 06D -


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