A criminal investigation in the case of capture Dilgam Asgarova and Shahbaz Guliyev

Azerbaijani Prosecutor General's Office filed a lawsuit into the of the  hostage-taking Dilgam Asgarov, Shahbaz Guliyev and Hasan Hasanov in July 2014 in the  region of Kelbajar occupied by  Armenians, stated in the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan. They were taken hostage  in the territories of Azerbaijan  occupied by Armenian Armed Forces during a visit to the graves of their loved ones. In violation of international law, they were arrested with deprivation of procedural rights, the report said.

Due to deliberate  murder of  Hasanov, and sentencing him on false charges on behalf of the self-proclaimed "NKR", the Kalbajar regional Prosecutor's Office of Azerbaijan filed a lawsuit under the Articles: 115.2 (violation of the laws or customs of war), 115.4 (violation of the laws or customs of war with the deliberate murder), 116.0 (violation of international humanitarian law during armed conflict), and 116.0.18 (arrest or imprisonment in other forms, as well as deprivation of procedural rights of persons in violation of international humanitarian law during armed conflict). Investigation of the case is under the supervision of the Attorney General.

The Armenian separatists sentenced Asgarov to life imprisonment, and Guliyev - to 22 years in prison.

Hasan Hasanov was killed during a shootout. They were called a subversive group that committed the murder of Armenians in Kalbajar. Guliyev and Asgerov  are charged of espionage, sabotage and murder rejected. The Azerbaijani side intends to appeal to the European Court of Human Righst on the matter. –06D-

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