Rəşad Ramazanov

Rəşad Ramazanov

Baku/28.10.22/Turan: On October 28,  blogger Rashad Ramazanov, suspended the hunger strike after seven days. He himself announced this today by calling his family, his wife Kenul Ismayilova told Turan. She said Rashad was on hunger strike to protest his arrest on trumped-up charges and a biased judicial investigation.

In turn, the blogger's lawyer Elchin Sadigov wrote on his Facebook page about the serious  health  of the blogger. “For seven days Ramazanov has been on a hunger strike. Due to the poor  health, on October 27, the next court hearing in his case was postponed,” the lawyer said.

* Rashad Ramazanov was detained on May 20 of this year, and the next day he was arrested for 4 months  under  the Article  234.4.3 (large-scale drug trafficking) of the Criminal Code, he faces 5 to 12 years in prison.

Rashad Ramazanov was also arrested in May 2013 and sentenced to 9 years in prison, also on charges of large-scale drug trafficking. Local human rights organizations said that the real reason for the arrest was criticism of the authorities on social networks and recognized Ramazanov as a political prisoner. In March 2019, he was pardoned by the head of state. ---21B06---

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