Akif Rustamov Memory Cup

On October 6-7, on the Beshbarmak Cliffs, which are 90 km north of Baku, competitions on climbing were held for the Akif Rustamov Memory Cup. 

This outstanding athlete and coach was the strongest climber in Azerbaijan during the last decade, conquering most of the former Soviet Union's seventhousanders and training dozens of young mountaineers and rock climbers. Two years ago, he died as a result of a serious illness.

The informal national championship was attended by dozens of athletes from various clubs in the country, and up to 40 guests from Russia and Georgia.

The routes on these 600-meter-high cliffs were built by foreign experts, in accordance with international standards and requirements.

Speaking to reporters, Vice-President of the Mountaineering Federation of Azerbaijan Saridan Mursagulov said the event aims to attract young people to rock climbing.

"We hope to find new, young talent and promote the sport. In addition, we would like to see this tournament gain international status in the future," he said.

The competition was held in three categories: bouldering, covering a distance at speed and with complexity. The athletes had to overcome routes extending from 50 to 150 meters steep 70-90 degrees.

The President of the Mountaineering Federation Israfil Ashurly told Turan, through this competition, another project called Good Mountains has been implemented, aimed at helping seriously ill people, namely injured climbers, veterans, climbing or simply those who need help and support.

"Climbing has always not only been surrounded by a halo of romance and heroism, but also directly associated with concepts such as reliability and mutual assistance. Today, climbers can not stand by and not give a helping hand to those who need it so," he said.

The prize pool of the Akif Rustamov Memory Cup will be donated to help. Support will be provided to:

Nooran Huseynov - leading of a charity program, through which a lot of people got help and support. Today Nuran is ill with cancer and requires long and expensive treatment;

Alexander Hakimov - a seriously ill writer and journalist-publicist;

Nugzar Nuguriani - mountaineering instructor from Svaneti (Georgia). Nugzar Nuguriani for many years was an instructor at the Alpine camp Ailama and mentored many Azerbaijani climbers. As a result of an accident in the mountains his leg was amputated. Nugzar later lost an eye. -26B-



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