Claims by the residents of Imishly region against the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) are partially satisfied

On July 9 Shirvan Administrative Economic Court, chaired by Rafael Eyvazov considered claims from three groups of residents of Imishli region against the  MES. The 20 plaintiffs suffered during flooding from the Kura River in May and June 2010.

According to the coordinator of the staff of "Kura", Oktay Gyulalyev, protecting the rights of victims, the court partially granted the petition of citizens on an independent examination of the damage. The Court ordered to hold instead an independent expertise reassessment of the affected houses by the MES. However, the representative of the MES opposed it. 

Earlier Shirvan Administrative-Economic Court rejected approximately 70 claims by the flood victims. Now, the court will still consider about 50 lawsuits, including 20 applications considered today.

The claims of 40 plaintiffs are in the Court of Appeal. At the same time, two of the plaintiff, who failed to find the truth here, filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights.

* Floods in May 2010  in the Kura and Araz rivers, affected the houses and farms in 30 districts. To eliminate the effects of the flood, 460 million manat were allocated from the budget. But so far, hundreds of people have not  been  provided with adequate shelter or fair compensation.

Two hundred families have filed complaints against the MES, the "Irrigation and Water Management," as well as the district authorities. At present, there are 114 complaints in the courts. Two complaints were sent to the European Court of Human Rights. The rights of all claimants are protected by the headquarters "Kura".-06B-


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