CMO Supports Law Enforcement Operation in Nardaran

The Caucasian Muslims Office (CMO) issued a statement in connection with the events in Nardaran, where the day before the police conducted a special operation against a group of believers led by the theologian Taleh Bagirzadeh.

"We view these developments as an attempt to sow split in the society, the violent seizure of power, organized by external and internal forces with certain political goals," CMO stated.

According to the document, "the group of provocateurs has no relation to the faithful residents of Nardaran."

The movement Muslim Unity created by Bagirzadeh has no relation to the faithful. This movement is not recognized by CMO as a religious organization and does not have the right to conduct religious propaganda.

"As a religious center, we inform you that any terrorist act does not comply with the humane principles of Islam. On behalf of the Azerbaijani Muslims we demand from law enforcement and intelligence agencies to give proper legal assessment of the actions that pose a threat to our state," CMO stated.

All radical groups operating under the guise of religion should make conclusions from these events, and give up their dirty intentions.

CMO regrets that these events were accompanied by loss of life and expresses its condolences to the families of the victims and wishes the wounded a speedy recovery.

Recall that the special operation has caused the death of six people - two policemen and four believers. 14 people were arrested. The police action caused a protest in Nardaran. -06D-

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