Complaints of police major remain unanswered


Former Police Major Rafael Mirzoyev, sentenced to 10 years on charges of drug trafficking , is the victim of intrigues of the  leadership of the Interior Ministry. His principled refusal to pay bribes to his superiors  has made him unwanted  in  the police. That's why provocation has been made against Mirzoyev , and he was arrested and convicted, said his wife Tarana Mirzoyeva and human rights activist Alekper Mamedov at a press conference  in the media center on Thursday.

"If the Minister of Internal Affairs Ramil Usubov  received Rafael Mirzoyev, and listened to him, things could be different. Therefore, I believe that one of the perpetrators of the incident is the interior minister, " said Tarana Mirzoyeva.

Everything began when the then Chief of Yasamal Police, Mohabatt Huseynov, made a conflict with Mirzoyev, because the latter did not give bribes to the authorities.

Another enemy of  Mirzoyev was then the head of one of the departments of Interior Ministry, Ramiz Nagiyev, who, according to Tarana  Mirzoyeva, blackmailed her husband and demanded money. All this has led to the fact that Mirzoyev was drawn into a provocation with the drug  operation, and allegedly turned   into an accomplice in the crime. The operation was conducted in July 2011. A resident of Astara region, Wahid Abdullayev, was also arrested, and four kilograms of hashish were found with them.

The guilt of Mirzoyev is that, not being authorized by the leadership for the operation, he agreed to help their colleagues in detention  the  drug traffickers. As a result, he was detained by traffic police, as a member of  the drug dealers. 

Human rights activist Alekper Mamedov said that in July the Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the Baku Serious Crimes Court,  which sentenced Mirzoyev to 10 years in prison on  March 19, 2012.

The appeals in illegal court decision were sent to the President, the Ombudswoman,  the Milli Mejlis, the OSCE, human rights organizations, foreign embassies,  and international organizations. Currently, Rafael Mirzoyev  is kept in  jail N 9, where he is serving his sentence. -04С- 


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