Correspondent of Azadlig Newspaper Summoned for Questioning by Prosecutor’s Office

The employee of the newspaper Azadlig, Vidadi Mammadov, was called in for questioning by the General Prosecutor's Office for Serious Crimes the day before.

As Mammadov told Turan, he received a call and was summoned to the Prosecutor's office by 11:00 a.m. on September 7. What was the reason for the call he was not informed. ‘Perhaps this is due to the arrest of Faig Amirov, the Financial Director of the newspaper. In any case, I did not commit any illegal actions,’ he said.

On September 6 the Prosecutor's office also called another employee of the newspaper, Khayal Babayev, for questioning. The journalist refused to disclose the details of the interrogation, citing the obligation not to disclose the secrecy of the investigation.

Recall that the authorities accused Amirov of illegal religious activities, calling him a representative of Fethullah Gulen in Azerbaijan, and arrested him for 3 months.

Employees of newspaper and the PFPA leadership, to which the newspaper is close, believe Amirov’s arrest and the pressure on the paper aim to achieve the closing of the country's leading opposition newspaper, Azadlig. -02B-

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