Cost of Five Minute Campaigning on Public TV Is Annual Salary of MP

The Central Election Commission (CEC) released a list of media outlets that participate in the pre-election campaign of candidates for MP for a fee. It also published rates for political advertising. So, a paid election campaign is offered by Public TV (PTV) and two Internet resources ( and In addition, it will be arranged by 18 newspapers and 22 news agencies.

The most expensive election campaign is on PTV. For example, 1 second of pre-election campaign will cost from 20 to 50 manats from 11:50 to prime time at 20:20. Movies may not exceed five minutes. At the same time, 18% VAT is not included in the tariff.

Thus, a five-minute video clip will cost the candidate AZN 17,700 with VAT in prime time. This sum is equal to the annual salary of an MP.

In newspapers 1 square centimeter of propaganda material will cost AZN 2-10. The state newspaper Azerbaijan offers the price of 2-4 manats per 1 sq. cm, while Yeni Musavat offers 2 AZN.

The news agencies campaigning will cost from AZN 500 to AZN 2,000, depending on the size and location of signs on the site.

On public radio a second of election campaign will cost, depending on the airtime, from 7 to 25 manat.

An independent expert in the field of media Alasgar Mammadli considers that the tariff policy of PTV pursues political goals. In his view, the high tariffs will be inaccessible to candidates.

"It does not meet the objectives defined by the law on Public Television," he said. The goal of PTV should be to prepare accurate, balanced information in social, scientific, educational, cultural, entertainment and other fields. It should be aimed at ensuring common interests of the population of Azerbaijan. The objectives of PTV should include a reflection of freedom of thought and expression of different views and beliefs.

The objectives of public broadcasting should not include earning a lot of money, commerce and sale of the air. Public broadcasting should not have such a purpose. The minimum wage in Azerbaijan is 105 manat and the demand of AZN 3,540 for 1 minute of airtime does not serve the interests of the population. -03B-

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