психолог Азад Исазаде

психолог Азад Исазаде

Baku / 24.12.18 / Turan: Suicides of young children are rare in world practice.

This opinion was expressed to Turan by the psychologist Azad Isazadeh, commenting on the suicide of an 8-year-old child in the Zagatala region.

According to him, the reasons for suicide can be several factors.

This may be due to a conflict between parents, parents and child, child and peers.

Scientists state the rejuvenation of suicides.

"The limits of suicide" already begin with adolescence.

Tragedies can also occur as a result of the impact of information and communication technologies that provide children with access to harmful information.

Therefore, it is necessary to protect children as much as possible from information that does not relate to it.

A child should live in its childhood world, play, learn to eat.

According to the expert, there is no systematic work in Azerbaijan to investigate the causes of suicides, the factors leading to this, the definition of risk groups.

On December 22, an 8-year-old resident of the Zagatala region committed suicide. The reasons are still unknown. The district prosecutor's office opened a criminal case under art. 125 (bringing to suicide) of the Criminal Code. -06D--

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