Experts on the latest anti-corruption measures of the government

The Azerbaijani government does not state its plans to fight corruption, and accepts programs documents. In early 2011, the government the authorities declared a "ruthless war against corruption," but everything completed by the fight against extortion at the household level. This is the opinion of Azer Mehdiyev, the head of the NGO "Assistance to Economic Initiatives", commenting on the confirmation by the President the National Action Plan to combat corruption for 2012-2015, and the National plan for the promotion of the "Open Government". In his opinion, the adoption of these documents is based on the country's international obligations, and the government should be accountable for this.

In particular, the idea of ​​"open government" is an international initiative, supported by the U.S. President, Barack Obama.  The Azerbaijani authorities have stated the initiative, and to show it in action.

However, the steps of the Azerbaijani authorities have declarative character, and for the real fight to eliminate the causes of the problem, he said. Corruption comes from within the state and legal system of Azerbaijan, where there is no real division of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial power. "The economic and political power in Azerbaijan  are concentrated in the same hands - bureaucratic oligarchic groups. Without the elimination of such order and  without providing economic freedoms, it is impossible to fight corruption," said Mehdiyev.

In turn, the head of anti-corruption network of NGOs, president of the Research Fund "The Constitution" Alimammad Nuriyev,  praised the adopted documents. According to him, many of the proposals  of the civil society institutions have been taken into account. 

Unlike the previous two national plans to combat corruption, this document includes  the expected results and the responsible departments. In addition, the plan provides for cooperation with civil society, and monitoring by NGOs.

Among the positive aspects Nuriyev  called the  restriction of the immunity of judges, the release from liability of persons reporting corruption,  softening of  punishment for those who makes transactions with the investigation, etc. "It all exists in the international practice, and it is good that we  take this experience,"  said Nuriyev.

He also praised the expansion of e-services, increase of  transparency of state institutions.

An important innovation  according to Nuriyev, is the creation of the State Agency for Social Services and Innovation (SASSI) under which "light service" centers will operate, providing 24 types of services. Citizens will be able to simultaneously receive  in one center different  services.—06C--


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