Headquarters "Kura" of corruption while liquidation of consequences of the earthquake in Zagatala region

On Friday the activists of “Kura” civil society  held press conference on the situation in the earthquake zone in Zagatala in the media center of the  IRFS.

According to the coordinator of “Kura” civil society  Oktay Gyulalyev, according to official data from the Ministry of Emergency Situations(MES) ,  after the May earthquake 28,000 houses  were inspected, and it was found that 5,939 homes wee damaged. It was decided to demolish 3,545 houses and build new housing instead of them. To date, 428 houses were built. It was planned to  build 35 schools, but  only six schools were built, and  nine are under construction.

Of 320 million manat allocated for  the elimination  the consequences of the earthquake,  234.605,000 manat have already been spent. New buildings must 

stay under nine-point earthquake.

According to  Gyulalyev, about 130 million manat  were misused, spent mainly  on building of houses for the mansions for the  officials of the Presidential Administration and the Ministry of Emergency Situations and their relatives in Gabala, Ismaiili and Lankaran regions.

He noted that "Gilan Holding" is building houses  in the disaster area at the price 500 manat  per one square. meter, which is almost the price of housing in Baku.

The construction of two-room houses costs 20,000 manat , and 25,000 manat are noted in the project documents.

The construction of three-room bedroom home with a real value of 33,000 manat,  is noted in the document at the price 65,000 manat.

The price for four-room hones costs  52,000 manat, according to documents released on 75,500 manat.  The construction  of five-room flats is noted at the price  90,000 manat, while their constrictions costs 58 AZN.

Only 22 percent of houses have been built, and 70 percent of allocated funds have been spent, which indicates corruption.

The headquarter  compares them with other regions. Consequences of the devastating earthquake in the Turkish province of Van in 2010 were eliminated at AZN 130 million manat.

However, in Azerbaijan, despite 430 million manta have been allocated for the liquidation of the consequences of disaster in 2010, not all victims  have received a compensation for the victims. Ninety six people have filed lawsuits against the MES. 

Headquarters "Kura" called on the MES to greater transparency, accountability, cooperation with civil society,  and submission of  financial reports on the progress.–05D06—





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