How to solve the problem of migration of Azerbaijanis from Georgia?


Migration policy against Azerbaijanis in Baku from Georgia, was the topic of today's press conference in Media Center. The  Head of  the NGO Center for  Caucasus  Research, Kamran Ramazanli,  believes that the  current policy against Azerbaijanis, who come from Georgia, is incorrect. According to Ramazanli, it is necessary to carry out  different migration policies against foreigners and ethnic Azerbaijanis from the neighbouring country. They have been subdivided into four groups: students in Azerbaijan, migrant workers, persons deported from Georgia during the 1989-91 years, during the presidency of Gamsakhurdia,  and mixed families (one family member is a citizen of Georgia, the other  is Azerbaijani, and there are approximately 50,000.)

    As noted by Ramazanli, one of the reasons for the press conference is the recent aggravation of migration processes over the past 15 days, resulting in 12 people being deported from Azerbaijan for violation of the migration regime. In addition, there is massive fining of labor migrants for the same reason.

   According to Ramazanli, the fine 300-400 manat should  pay the employer, not the migrant worker. Yesterday, he said, 25 people were fined. In addition, immigration rules are applied to family members. If the head of the family is a citizen of Georgia, he is forced to  leave Azerbaijan , to re-enter, and to register. This seriously affects the family's financial situation. The Immigration Service has not made comment to the criticism in the press, said Ramazanli.

    Head of Azerbaijan Migration Center, Alovsat Aliyev, called the country's immigration policy and the laws in this area absolutely normal.

     According to Aliyev, the Azerbaijani authorities do not want ethnic Azeris  to leave  their homes in Georgia. At the same time, there are problems. More than five thousand Azerbaijanis, who come from Georgia, and who live in Azerbaijan without documents ( most of them  have Soviet passports) appeal  to the Center. 

   According to Aliyev, the State must apply the amnesty to Azerbaijanis from Georgia, just as in Georgia, Israel, Armenia and other countries.

(Perhaps, the talk is about the law "On Compatriots", which simplifies the migration policy in respect of compatriots).

     He proposed to create a unified database on Azerbaijanis, who are natives of Georgia, who cannot get citizenship, living in Azerbaijan for more than seven years, and have no relevant documents.

     He proposed to obtain their rights through the courts, where  currently there are  70 cases, and there are already positive decisions of the courts, said Alovsat Aliyev. -04C-  


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