In Azerbaijan, 78% of women are subjected to domestic violence

Head of NGO "Temiz dunya" Mehriban Zeynalova said Turan, that domestic violence against women continues to be relevant.

Although this year  54 women were killed in their homes, in 2011 - 135 women, but statistics show that 78% of women  are subjected to domestic violence in families, said Zeynalova.

According to her, domestic violence becomes severe due to the existing gaps in the legislation. In addition, such complaints are often not taken seriously by the police. Lately, the organization led by her received more than 900 complaints, and it's not all complaints.

As for the murder, most of them are motivated by honor. No one can say whether this is correct and reasonable, when to protect the honor  women and girls are killed with an ax.

Of course, to prevent such cases preventive work is necessary, in particular, for the those who are going to marry, says Zeynalova.

She believes, it is necessary to involve psychologists and sociologists, a create a reliable system for the  victims of domestic violence.

"The police usually intervenes after the murder or assault. It already is not the prevention of violence, it is elimination of consequences of the crime," says Zeynalova.

Human rights activist stands for increasing financial penalties for violence against women  up the 3000-5000 AZN, tough legislative punishment, as well as an end discrimination on the fact of police violence against women. -05B04-






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