Islamists complain about violations of their rights

On Friday Committee  to Protect  the rights of Islamists held hearing in connection with the double standards against believers; the event was held  in the Media Center IRFS.

It was noted that over the past three or four years  mass arrests of believers took place, but  no one in the country or abroad gave proper evaluation of this.

The participants also condemned the human rights activists who defended political prisoners, but did not provide the same support for the arrested believers.

Committee to Protect Islamists sent  appeal to PACE , which noted that international organizations do not  support  the Islamists.

The authors remind  about problems in the 90s of the last century  regarding the registration of social and political structures of Islamic persuasion. These problems continue and now.

The appeal also  criticized policy of official Baku in the sphere of religion: the ban on the azan , the demolition of mosques, ban on headscarves in schools. All this causes protests  of believers , for which they  are subsequently harassed and arrested.

"It is not comparable with the desire of official Baku to represent Azerbaijan as a country of religious tolerance. Is it tolerance when believers  are imprisoned and tortured when they demand their rights," said religious activist and member of the Committee to Protect Islamists, Rovshan Ahmadli.

Speakers noted the facts of physical and moral pressure on believers in prison. In particular, prisoners are beaten and put in solitary confinement for committing azan prayer and execution. At the same time, it is unknown exactly how many believers have died in custody.

Some speakers accused the Azerbaijani delegation to the PACE, which deliberately informs the international community about the radicalism and aggressiveness of believers in Azerbaijan.

In conclusion they read for the Committee of the PACE, which contained a list of the faithful, who were arrested for trying to defend their right to freedom of  consciousness. -05C04-

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