Jahangir Hajiyev�s sister appeals to Fuad Aleskerov

Baku / 02.10.18 / Turan: Amina Hajiyev, a sister of the imprisoned former head of the International Bank of Azerbaijan (IBA) Jahangir Hajiyev appealed to Fuad Aleskerov, presidential aide for law enforcement agencies, in connection with violations of the rights of their family members.

"During these three years that my brother Hajiyev Jahangir is imprisoned, our family has faced a complete violation of human rights: not a single document was presented at the trial confirming the guilt of Jahangir. All thirty-two petitions filed by our lawyers were rejected and not reviewed by the court. Then, for unclear reasons, in jail N13, Jahangir was banned from meeting with his relatives and lawyers for eight months, and before he had been sent to a punishment cell for a week," writes A. Hajiyeva. According to her, only after the return of J. Hajiyev to the Kurdakhani detention center the family members were allowed to meet and make phone calls for several months.

"Since September 12, another misfortune struck our heads. Ii is a misfortune, because to deprive a person of food and medicine is the height of inhumanity. Jahangir was again deprived of meetings and telephone conversations, "she said.

"One of our lawyers, Fakhraddin Mehdiyev, has already been deprived of a license for one year. Now they punish the second lawyer - Agil Lahij. For three years now, I have not been allowed to receive the inheritance of the deceased mother for three years, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not allow me to leave the country," A. Hajiyeva writes. She asks Aleskerov to answer the question of what caused these violations.

* In 2015, major financial irregularities and capital outflows were revealed in the IBA. Former head of the IBA Jahangir Hajiyev was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Together with him, former heads of several branches were sentenced to prison sentences.

Hajiyev was charged with the appropriation of about 80 million manat, while, according to media reports, the amount of problem loans of the bank reached 6 billion manat. At the trial, Hajiyev denied the charges and stated that all important decisions were made by the Supervisory Board of the bank, headed by the Deputy Minister of Finance. He also accused Finance Minister Samir Sharifov of falsely informing the public about the activities of the IBA. -06B--

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