Lawyer: witnesses recognize procedural irregularities in the case of Tofig Hasanli

Today the Shirvan Court of Appeal chaired by Alaskar Novruzov  continued examination of the application  of the satirical poet Tofig Hasanli, sentenced to six years in prison on charges of large-scale  drug trafficking. According to his lawyer Elchin Sadigov, in particular, were repeatedly interrogated  witnesses involved in the case - Gasim Farzullayev  and Balakhan  Huseynov.

According to the lawyer, the witnesses, responding to the issues of protection, confirmed that the inspection of the store and clothing by Tofig Hasanli after his arrest were carried out without the involvement of a lawyer. They also said they did not see the drug withdrawal process. Police showed them  that the drugs were "found" at Tofig Hasanli. According to witnesses, the protocol was prepared without  lawyer. Witnesses also said they do not know how to read and write Latin and signed the document without  reading the contents of the protocol, the lawyer said.

However, he drew attention to the recognition by  Huseynov that he was involved in a great number of similar cases - drug trafficking, poaching, and even in cases investigated by the State Security Service.

 The witness  explained  it by his "fight against crime". Such recognition refute the  investigation’s allegations that witnesses were random people. The judge granted the request for re-examination of a police officer Fakhri Gasimov. At the same time, the court refused to call other operatives who participated in the detention of Hasanli.

The judge scheduled the next hearing for December 19. Tofig Hasanli was sentenced on August 22, 2016 to six  years in prison on charges of drug trafficking. Hasanli  is known for his critical pamphlets in the media against  the authorities and government officials. In 2005, he was convicted for  drugs for three years, but in 2007 was released under an amnesty. Hasanli continued to publish satire on facebook and youtube. In January 2015, he stated that he was threatened with arrest, and in October he was detained.-06B-

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