Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

The situation with the coronavirus pandemic, the possibility of eliminating a strict quarantine regime, insurance problems in the agricultural system, and a decrease in the money supply are the topics of today's media.

The irresponsibility of one person ...

The site “Yap.org.az” cites the opinion of the MP from the Yeni Azerbaijan party Aydin Huseynov, who has accused citizens of spreading the coronavirus pandemic recently.

The deputy notes that in the country more than 30 hospitals accept patients with coronavirus, a New Clinic for 575 beds has been created. The smallest number of people infected in the world was in Azerbaijan. However, due to carelessness and irresponsibility of citizens, cases of infection have increased dramatically. The deputy calls for civil and social responsibility.

We hope that ...

Website “Yeni sabah. az” provides the reasoning of the country's main infectious disease specialist Jalal Isaev about the quarantine regime. According to him, after July 5, there will be no need for strict regime. In Europe, even though the number of infected people is increasing, the quarantine is not tightened. Azerbaijan is lagging behind in this sense.

The problem is that hard mode is applied, but people do not follow its rules. At the same time, Isaev believes that Azerbaijan cannot be compared with Europe and it is too early to take measures, as in Europe.

The chief infectious disease specialist once again repeats that it is not worth going outside without need. Precautions must also be observed, only in this case, cases of infection will decrease.

The problem of insurance in the agricultural sector

The site “Sfera.az” writes about the problem of insurance in the agricultural sector, which is exacerbated every time in the presence of unstable weather, as a result of which damage is caused to agriculture. Most farmers do not have insurance, so they have to repair the damage themselves. Azerbaijan has a law on incentives for insurance in agriculture. However, the problem of insurance in agriculture has not yet been resolved, so there is a need for a new law, as the agricultural sector has more risk. With the provision of normal insurance, investment attractiveness, as well as lending, will increase.

Is there a need to put into circulation additional money supply?

The site “Müsavat.com” discusses the proposal to put into circulation a large money supply, since recently it has greatly decreased. As of May 1 of this year, the money supply in the country amounted to 26 billion 291.8 million manat, which is 429.4 million manat or 16% less than the previous month.

As of May 1, the volume of money supply located outside banks amounted to 8 530.8 million manat. As can be seen, in comparison with March 1, the money supply decreased by 7.9%. According to experts, the real economy should be behind the release of money into circulation. Otherwise, this will lead to a sharp rise in price.


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